Monday 3 September 2012

Basically I've gotten back into the blogging spirit, and I will write about weird and wonderful things happening in the world around me.
For example, imagine designing a water treatment facility for a gas plant. Most people would dismiss this as boring, however there's so much wiggle room that it's weird and wonderful. There are so many ways to achieve a simple goal - dirty water in one end, drinkable water out the other.

Wednesday 22 August 2012


---Run status check on subject B-001---
Status check completed.
Subject remains comatose. Brain function stable but minimal. Cardiac function normal. Core temperature stable and holding at -197 degrees Celsius.
---Available options for subject B-001?---
Options for subject B-001 include:
1. Status check (last check: 22/08/2X12)
2. Initiate de-hibernation sequence (last initiation: never)
3. Resume cryogenic suspension (last suspension: 01/01/2X12)

Please select an option to proceed.
---Initiate de-hibernation sequence.---
De-hibernation sequence in progress.
Disconnecting liquid N2 supply... |||||||||| Completed.
Connecting heating liquid supply... |||||||||| Successful.
Beginning heating liquid flow. Standby.
Heating liquid supply stable. Subject core temperature rising to standard levels.
Initiating brain energiser probe... |||||||||| Successful.
Charging probe. Standby.
Brain energisation complete. Running status check on subject. Standby.
Status check completed.
Subject appears to be conscious. Brain function stable. Cardiac function normal. Core temperature stable and holding at 37 degrees Celsius.
De-hibernation sequence completed.

"Welcome back, Subject B-001."