Monday 24 March 2008

dumb literature

Nobody actually knows how my English teacher really teaches English, or how she managed to secure her job here at Taylor's for more than 20 years. I mean, she likes to fish for details or points when she teaches. Especially when she teaches Lit. Take for example the short story Altar of the Family. First she repeats the story which half of us have read half asleep. When she starts asking questions, she starts the fishing process. Maybe it is her style of teaching, maybe not, but what I'm sure of is that this process can be extremely annoying. Who can stand multiple facts being repeated while the teacher tries to get hold of that single elusive point? Besides, this repetition of idea after dumb idea usually spawns a lot of nonsense that throws the class into laughter, disrupting the lesson entirely.
[Not that I'm against the nonsense, but the nonsense is simply............ nonsense. Pure nonsense that drags time in our favour. Lovely.]
Sometimes, the search for that single point is dragged very far. Even when we can't think [and it shows in the ideas we throw at her] we still find some way to force out some dumb idea that seems realistic and practical. Other times when we try to suggest something logical it gets thrown out the window to some distant land that nobody would ever find.
Although Lit is supposed to make people think I don't even suggest my teacher's method of teaching Lit is to be followed. Not now, not ever, not even forever.
PS. Tomorrow is something miserable called watching a movie. Bend it Like Beckham. I must try some way to get my sorry ass out of that class so I don't have to watch that movie again. Watched it once, "strongly disliked" it.

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