Thursday 27 March 2008

my class

There is one major problem I have with my class, although they don't have much of a problem with me. How slow can a class go?
I mean, the common knowledge is that in any group of people, the speed of the whole group is limited by the speed of the slowest of the group. Unfortunately for me, my class seems to be going along at a pretty slow pace. Slow to me, definitely, slow to the teacher, not sure, to the class, maybe too fast. The most common question in any class, be it Chemistry, Physics, Maths or Spec Maths, is:
One more time please?
Teacher, can repeat?
In all fairness, I'm considered to be relatively far ahead of my peers in class, just that I don't show it off. [Trying to keep a low profile here, you see.] And then again, I can fit in with the rest of the class [ponteng LAN for CC trips], quite unlike some of my other classmates who are just as advanced as I am, and probably even better than me.
So, the question comes back. How slow can a class really go? I can't answer that. But I think that if the class can go any faster than its present pace I'd be really happy. Really, REALLY happy.

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