Thursday 8 May 2008

politicians and what they will do...

They sent RPK to Sg. Buloh jail. Not fair. And on charges of sedition. Not fair. Anybody can make such statements, from teachers in schools, to students in university, to the apek and uncles in the corner kopitiam. Anybody can ask that the Altantuya murderers should be sent to hell. I mean, if somebody says something that hurts you very much, it is within all of your rights to say that the somebody should be sent to hell. Or you can pray that the fella gets into a car crash that only a superhuman miracle can save him/her. The truth hurts. Of course it does. But does that mean that anything that hurts others is considered seditious? It's just dumb. Too damn dumb.
There is a Malay saying that "siapa makan cili dia terasa pedas". Maybe that's why Najib thinks that RPK should be charged for sedition. He did it, or else he was involved in the act somehow. Oh well. Something has to be done to rectify this. And it had better be fast.

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