Wednesday 3 December 2008

national schools vs. vernacular schools

Mukhriz suggests that we abolish vernacular schools. Most likely this means that he wants national schools to be the only schools available, besides private schools. Now, most of us don't actually trust those schools enough to send our children to such schools.
Commonly held notions of national schools:
#1. Malay schools
#2. Overemphasis on Islam, for example reciting Quranic verses.
#3. Little emphasis on Pupils' Own Languages, eg: Chinese, Tamil.
#4. Favouritism/bias towards Malays

So, if the general public believes this, then they should send their children to national schools to learn, so that the true story of national schools emerges. From my experience with my college classmates, the average national school student has more exposure to a multiracial society. Although I must note that national schools don't actually have a dazzling reputation for academic achievements.

Now today he comes out to say that Malay will be the main language of instruction in his ideal school system. Damn, he just lost his status in my eyes. Why doesn't anyone want to emulate the Singaporeans and use English as the language of instruction? Oh yeah, the inferiority complex comes out. Damn, should have thought of that earlier.

Ah, what the hell. Screw those who can't think straight to save a nation from suffering. Screw those who can't think right to think of a systematic way to help the nation's graduates. No wonder the education system here is going down.

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