Friday 20 June 2008

cnc3 tib wars games 2day

Finally, first time I saw Andrew play C&C 3. He's got a good strategy, IMHO. But maybe his strategy is still not that good. After playing against him, I must say that his GDI skills are first rate so far. Anyway, 8 games for me. 5 against Andrew [1v1], and 3 against both Andrew and Matthew combined [1v2]. Results: [w/l] 4/1 against Andrew solo, and 1/2 against both Andrew and Matthew. Scrin has a very good tactic in general: Disintegrators combined with Seekers in a massive land attack totally takes the wind out of anyone's sails. Thus, in all 4 rounds, it was a massive Disintegrator force sneaking into the back of Andrew's base before a Seeker force through the front of his base distracted him. Then the Disintegrators at the back of his base tore through the power and resources. Thus annihilation beckoned. But then he avenged his defeats when he teamed up with Matthew to thrash me. Oh well, it was a 1v2. But I still managed to hit them with Scrin on Unfair Advantage. Never underestimate the threat of PACs and tripods. Although I lost some tripods in Matthew's base, I still managed to deal with Andrew's GDI base first with PACs, before going on to melt Matthew's base into Scrin slag.
After the 8 rounds today, I need to perfect my strategy. Seriously.

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