Tuesday 16 September 2008


So far, nothing bad has happened. Darn. I long for a bit of fighting, as long as the others don't cheat and call in the army to help them. Also as long as I've got my friends supporting, then I don't mind a bit of brawling.


Yet another tag by a fellow blogger.

Would you rather..?

1. Would you rather be poor but happy, or rich but sad?
Neither, please thank you. I'd rather be happy in a reasonably well paid job. As long as I don't have to beg, I'm fine.

2. If you’re stranded on an island with your best friend and there’s nothing to eat, would you rather eat your best friend or let him/her eat you?
Dying is the easiest way out.

3. If you had the choice, would you rather be good-looking but stupid, or smart but ugly like hell?
Do I look like I have any choice? I like who I am.

4. If both your best friend and your boyfriend/girlfriend are drowning at the same time, and you can only save one person (and you cannot throw yourself in to drown with them), who will you save?
Neither, cause there will be a reason not to save either of them.

5. Would you rather eat 5cm3 of shit or drink 1 litre of urine?
Shut up or you'll get double of this.

6. If both your best friend and your mother are drowning at the same time, and you can only save one person (and you cannot throw yourself in to drown with them), who will you save?
Neither, cause there will be a reason not to save either of them.

7. Would you rather be gang-raped or be raped once but have cucumbers/pencils/scissors stuffed up your vagina/butthole?
Rape is overrated. Only wankers do it.

8. If you are forced to shoot either of your parents, would you rather shoot your mother or your father? (and you cannot shoot yourself)
Can kill both?

9. Would you rather get raped or have your boyfriend/girlfriend cheat on you with your best friend?
Neither. Screw you for asking this question.

10. Would you rather have a boyfriend/girlfriend with the biggest heart but no brains, or a boyfriend/girlfriend with the biggest brains but no heart?
In between please. Someone of the "the girl next door" type will be fine.

11. Would you rather marry someone 5 years younger or someone 20 years older than you?
I've got a problem with a 1 year difference already. 5 years younger is fine with me.

12. Would you rather live a short life but die very peacefully, or live a long life but die a very horrible and painful death?
Neither. I'd prefer a glorious finale.

Who's got any time [or is not studying for trials], can do this tag.

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