Monday 8 September 2008

stupid ahmad ismail part II

The saga continues. Idiot Ahmad Ismail is being a pain, so are his supporters. What do they do on national TV? Tear up the former Penang CM's picture. How childish of them. So. Sedition Act doesn't work on them. Bodowi can't do anything, cause he accepted the Racist One's explanation. Bodowi is too soft, he's better as a good father. But he fails as a leader of a country.
All we need is for MCA and Gerakan to pull out of BN and join Pakatan. Not because of spite, but rather to stand up for their principles. Are we going to lie down because of "quotes out of context" and "historical facts"? No. We will not bow down to idiots like him. Many of us already hate the BN government because of the miserable handling of the country.
Crossover Day is next week. Hopefully if Anwar's new government works, then our lives will be improved greatly. Hopefully.

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