Tuesday 5 May 2009

IESS AGM update

Ok, I was half stoned when I went into the meeting, all owed to my epic lack of sleep - 29 hours without sleep. So going into that tiny lecture theatrette made for a little incoherence, as well as an accompanying disdain for authority. And so, in delivering my policy speech for the editor's position in IESS, I inadvertedly took swipes at the outgoing editor, Luke. I mean, it wasn't, and was never meant to be, a personal attack on him. *Side note: If this were in Star Wars it would have been the master [Luke] being dug at by the student [Kyp]. *

Jun Yeu also made a similar slip, taking a jibe at the outgoing publicity chief, Daniel. Luckily for the both of us, our outgoing seniors were sporting fellows, who understand what the IESS voting process is like. So for now, we can get along with our seniors and the exco members quite well.

New IESS exco:
President - Kok Keong
Vice - Wai Kit
Treasurer - Eric
Secretary - Luke

General committee:
Activities - David, Rachel
Logistics - Chun Yu
Publicity - Jun Yeu
Welfare - Shu Jie
Sponsorship - Michelle
IT - Kee Ching
Editor - Me

This will be fun. I mean it.

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