Thursday 20 November 2008

after prom, what comes?

I believe I do not really have that skill to survive in a party. But hell, who really cares? So I will not talk about the SAM prom night last night. There are others who are better at capturing the atmosphere last night in words.
Anyway, I now have a much different problem. What to pack for Langkawi. Quite a good question indeed. A preliminary list looks like this:

#1. Clothes for 4 days
#2. Games
#3. Snacks and coffee
#4. Some movies
#5. Football
#6. Myself

To be honest, I think most of us feel that prom night isn't really the last night to see your classmates. It is just another giant get together for the whole intake. I'd rather go to Langkawi with my class if I wanted to see them for the last time. At least it'll be a whole lot more memorable.

Oh well, back to packing.

-It isn't that we'll miss Taylor's as a place. It's that we'll miss the memories and the people in Taylor's.-

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