Friday 7 November 2008

of police stations and ISA

It seems that this country has not much to offer lately. So there is nothing much to comment about. Except for 2 things.

#1. The police station in Chow Kit has many reasons for being moved. First it was to protect the police from unhealthy elements. Now according to Syed Hamid Albar it is because the owner wants the building back. How interesting. How many more original excuses can we hear from this Home Minister of ours?


#2. RPK is out of ISA detention. It seems that he has a massive following. When I watched the night news, the camera showed hordes of people massing around him. With such a large fan base, we now await further revelations from him as he exposes more misdeeds of the current government. Hopefully he doesn't disappoint his fans, because we want the present government to change its tack, or at least, be kicked out and be replaced with Pakatan.

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