Friday 11 April 2008

about moral....

How many of us really appreciate the intricacies of Moral? Did the Education Ministry really consult anyone besides themselves before deciding to go ahead and make all students suffer under the iron jackboot of Moral? I think not, unless somebody can tell me truthfully that they did not do such a thing.
If the Ministry really think that proper education is required to help the country progress, then they need their heads checked. Because they find the need to annoy us, they give us such a uselessly miserable subject to study. What do they teach us in Moral? A simple answer: How to make morally correct decisions, but only in perfectly controlled situations. In other words, Moral is intrinsically useless. Until we really get into such a situation, we find that our choices are unlimited, that every solution seems very tempting, that it is almost impossible to solve the problem at hand. Any choice that needs to be weighed presents infinte possibilities to us, rendering tactical and moral reasoning flawed.
Worse still, Moral is supposed to be a good time to discuss sensitive issues, such as Fitna. But then some people suggest that this is not a good topic to discuss, because it is 'sensitive'. What perfect rubbish. If we can't discuss this openly, then this means that the country isn't open enough. Otherwise anybody can discuss this openly to defuse the situation. To me, that movie is actually done by somebody who most likely hasn't been to a country where all Muslims are not racist or terrorists.
While still on the topic of racists, I think that the Malays in this country are very biased. They still have the problem of dealing with anything not halal. Dumb people who say that a pig farm is against the concept that Malaysia is an Islamic state and that other races need to respect them and understand them, while they don't need to respect us in return. Those dumb people shouldn't be here. KILL them!
Conclusion: Moral is useless. KILL it!

Thought of the day: All souls cry out for salvation.

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