Tuesday 1 April 2008

april the 1st

Oh, I love today for just the date. Come on, I mean, who doesn't like to hear people laugh all throughout the whole college day? Especially even more with funny teachers. [Mr. Woon is one of them, and he always makes us laugh, even on the other days of the week.]

Although it is rather surprising that some of my less joker teachers would still find a way to pull our leg. [Yeah, Mr. John, I mean you.]

It is also rather sad that the copper 1 sen coin is being forcibly retired today. Sad, sadder, saddest. Because previously, the 1 sen coins could be used to fill a sock and then bash a person's head. Rather good protection for old people and women going shopping. Then again, probably it is better to retire the 1 sen coin. Otherwise our wallets would be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of spare 1 sen we have. It is good to know trivia, such as the fact that the government is losing money everytime it makes 1 sen coins. For every 1 sen coin made, 3 sen is used, meaning a loss of 2 sen from the country's central deposits. Well, maybe it is good to help the economy of the country.

Anyway, I just love how maths can go funny. Take this for instance.

Just look at it. Crazy, isn't it?

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