Thursday 3 April 2008

english - the truth

I used to like English. Then, ever since entering SAM, the whole lovely experience fell apart. Almost since the instant Ms. Ting entered the class of S4. Bloody hell. Then after today, I swear I don't know how to face English any more. Bloody, BLOODY BITCH Ms. Ting!!!
At first it was alright for today's English lesson. Then with 10 minutes left on the clock, Timothy finishes his presentation for the day. Ok, so 4 people have finished presenting. Not bad considering the speed of our class compared to S2 [3 persons per day]. So Ms. Ting asks the class:
Who's next?
Ok, so KC says that he hasn't prepared for his presentation yet, because he thought that 4 persons would present in a day. Ms. Ting then flies into a lecture. She starts nagging about what: 5 people supposed to prepare, 10 minutes left wasted, dragging the presentations, then she gives the final word: KC, you don't have to present on your topic.
Then she goes on to complain about 10 minutes wasted, and just goes on complaining. Finally, she gives us the 10 minutes to do "our own work in silence".
So I thought: 'Here's a good chance to do something for the class. Since I'm going for the JPA interview session tomorrow, I should use this 10 minutes to present my topic first, then tomorrow I don't have to worry.' I then go up to Ms. Ting to suggest that I present with the 10 minutes remaining, but that I have to print out the notes for the class first. Guess what?
The old cow tells me:
By the time you go and get your materials printed, there won't
be enough time for you to present. [tone: angry]
Lousy old maid! Here I'm trying to solve your problem of having nobody to present, and you tell me that there's no time?! No way, lady. NO way at all. If you want things your way, you shouldn't be a teacher. You should be in another job. Because the teaching profession requires give and take, just like parenting. You should learn from whatever we present to you, because many people have said that a class is just like a family, the teacher is the parent, and us students are the children. We want to be treated with some degree of respect for us to reciprocate, and respect you in return. Maybe that's why our class can't see eye to eye with Ms. Ting.

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